TRPF Lucky Dip Draw Function
What a great function. Not for a long long time has the TRPF held such an enjoyable event, there were in excess of 120 people who attended the Draw. The TRPF supplied a complementary braai and drinks for the members. In the stress of the end of season racing it was great to see the members in packs of between 8 and 12 people around the braais, at the drinks station and in the Hall chatting and laughing.
The TRPF managed to sell 290 "Lucky Dip" rings raising R421950.00. 10% of the revenue will be allocated to the transport fund, 45% to TRPF prize money and 45% returned to the clubs for club prize money.
The physical draw was a lot of fun. A name was drawn and then the person would then draw a ring. So if you drew ring 17001 that would cost you R10.00 and if you drew 17290 that would cost you R2900.00 each giving you an equal single chance of winning the prize money.
As a courtesy to the members of this group I need to warn you for future draws.
The lowest number drawers were Andrew Frazer, Peter Wolfaardt, Riaan van Rooi and Mark Kitchedbrand. More than likely Lions supporters. Get these chaps to draw for you.
Whatever you do don't let Leon de Villiers, Clinton Parsons or Brian Marshall near your team, they are just plain usless and will cost you a fortune. Clearly Sharks supporters.
Lastly if you get invited to join Johan Boshoff and Marie van Niekerk's team, run a mile, this will cost you serious money. Doesn’t matter who they support, run run run.
It was great fun, see the pictures below.